Help save the Coral Reef !!

We need your help! Anything you can do to give, teach, or inspire on behalf of coral reefs is deeply appreciated, not only by the CORAL, but also by the millions of creatures, human and otherwise, that depend on coral reefs. Thank you from the "Two Tiny Polyps" Team!

Types of Corals

There are two types of corals, hard coral and soft coral.

Hard corals such as the brain corals, the star, elkhom corals and the pillar corals have rigid exoskeletons, or corallites, that protect their soft delicate bodies. Hard corals form the basis of coral reefs.

Staghorn Coral / Brain Coral / Star Coral

Soft corals, or Gorgonians, such as the sea fans, the sea whips, and the sea rods, sway with the currents. Soft corals do not build reefs.

Sea Whips / Sea Fan

1 comment:

Jenny Ross said...

Hey I must really appreciate your effort on providing a detailed summary/information on each type of Coral species and their family. Thanks for sharing it. Looking forward to your next blog.